Watercolour Exhibition at The Plexus Art Gallery

Dear friends,

It is with great pleas­ure that I invite you to my next exhib­i­tion which will take place at the Plex­us Gal­lery from Thursday Octo­ber 6 to Sunday Novem­ber 27, 2022.

You are kindly invited to join the Open­ing Event on Thursday 6 Octo­ber from 6.30 pm, in my pres­ence of course!

Lavaux Landscape

Plex­us Gal­lery
Rue du Lac 61
1815 Clar­ens / Montreux

Open­ing hours: Thursday to Sunday, 2 to 6 p.m. or by appoint­ment.
Please con­firm your pres­ence to 079 241 89 13 or bernard.chassot_AT_crartrading.ch


Invitation | Carton
Olivier Zappelli Art